μικροτονική μουσική

This microtonal music will blow your mind 🤯

31 tones per octave on Fokker Organ

15 Second Microtonal Fusion Jam Anyone?

Dividing the 5th into 18 instead of 7!

Bach’s Gigue in Bach’s student Kirnberger’s tuning

Squid Game - Music Theme (Microtonal)

18 intervals in perfect 5th instead of 7

36 tones per octave and an actual song!

Harmony Microtones Test #microtonal #logicprox #music #choir #creatingmusic

18 intervals in perfect 5th

Siguiriyas on microtonal guitar by Manuel Ángel Calahorro

Crazy Microtonal Piano!!! #prague

One-Fretless-String Guitar

4 microtonal scales in Flying Microtonal Banana

Volvo Theme in Microtonal #microtonal #microtonalguitar #commercial #guitar #volvo #cars #jingle

Yes, there can be real cadences in microtonal music.

This ensemble nails this microtonal phrase.

Double Modal microtonal structures in 31 EDO

31 tones chromaticism fun

Bach’s Presto on Microtonal Guitar

Sleep Drifter on Microtonal Guitar KG by Sala Muzik

Archiorgano and Microtonal Guitar

Taranta on microtonal guitar

31-EDO: Mothra Subset over 12 TET #31edo #microtonal #musictheory